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Undergraduate Field-Based and Teacher Certification Programs
Achieve your goal of becoming a certified teacher in the state of Texas. Our field-based teacher certification program provides you with early field experiences where you will observe and work with teachers and students in K-12 public schools during your junior year.
Share Your Passion. Teach.
Teaching candidates in our EC-6 and 4-8 certification programs participate in a year-long teacher residency. During your first semester of student teaching, you will spend 2-3 days each week in school settings in addition to your weekly seminar with university faculty. In your final semester, you will complete a full-time clinical teaching experience. This model has earned East Texas A&M recognition as one of only 15 educator preparation programs in the state to earn placement on the Texas Vetted Teacher Residency list.
As a secondary or all-level teaching candidate, you will complete core content coursework in the department specific to your desired teaching subject before completing a full-time clinical teaching experience in your final semester.
Meet with an Advisor
The first step toward earning your teacher certification is meeting with an advisor to prepare your degree evaluation. Your evaluation will indicate the coursework necessary to meet your degree and certification requirements. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.
Consult the Department of Curriculum and Instruction for:
- Early childhood through sixth grade
- 4-8 grade math, science, math/science
- 4-8 grade English language arts, reading
Consult the corresponding academic department for:
- 4-8 grade social studies
- 8-12 grade content areas
- All-level content areas

Field-Based Teacher Certification Resources
Our undergraduate teacher certification program provides active clinical experiences in the field. View the resources below for more information on different aspects of our program. Questions about this information can be directed to Mitzi Hughes in the Office of Educator Certification and Academic Services.
Download the field-based teacher candidate handbook for details and expectations regarding the educator preparation program at East Texas A&M.
A student must be admitted to the Undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (EPP) to be approved to enroll in specialization coursework, as indicated on the student's DegreeWorks.
You must meet the following requirements to gain admission to the Undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (EPP):
- Overall GPA must be 2.65
- Have a minimum of 12 semester credit hours in the subject-specific content area for the certification sought, i.e. Core Subjects, ELAR, Social Studies, etc. A minimum of 15 semester credit hours is required for certification sought in Mathematics or Science, i.e. 4-8 Math or Science, and 7-12 Math or Science.
- TSI Complete – demonstrate basic skills in reading, written communication, and mathematics;
- Accept offer of admission to the Undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (EPP) by completing an Acceptance Survey in Tk20, by designated deadline.
Application Process:
The application for admission to the Undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (EPP) is housed in Tk20. A student must purchase Tk20 and obtain an account to access the application. See below:
If you have any problems purchasing or creating your Tk20 account, please contact Jill Woodruff, Tk20 Unit Administrator: [email protected]
Undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Application Instructions:
Once your application for admission to the EPP has been reviewed and approved, you will receive an Acceptance Survey in Tk20 to finalize the admission process. You must complete and submit the Acceptance Survey by the designated deadline, to finalize formal admission to the Undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (EPP).
For initial teacher certification, the candidate must complete field based experience classroom observation for a minimum of 50 clock hours prior to assignment for clinical student teaching.
The field based experience must include classroom observation and actively engaged activities.
Assignments for the field based experience will be made by the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, in a pre-approved TEA accredited public school.
The application for student teaching is housed in Tk20. Students must have a Tk20 account in order to make application for student teaching. Students must apply for their student teaching placement in the Field-Based Teacher Education program during the spring/fall semester prior to beginning internship. The application process begins first class day of the semester, and is only available during a designated timeframe. Applications must be submitted in Tk20 by the designated due date. Applications may not be processed past this date. Students should contact their major advisor for questions concerning readiness to apply for student teaching.
NOTE: An applicant may not be placed on a campus as an intern or resident in which a family member is employed, i.e. principal, teacher, educational aide, custodian, etc. Placement in such a situation is a conflict of interest and is not permissible.
Placement in a student's first district choice is not guaranteed. Placement in any school district is contingent upon the number of applicants requesting a specific district, and the availability of available mentors. Placement in a student's second district choice may be necessary to secure an internship placement for student teaching.
The following must be met to be approved to student teach:
● Full admission into the Field-Based Teacher Education program (interview process and determination completed during ELED/SED 300);
- Documented 50 hours of Field Based Experiences(please include this statement right under the above statement on the webpage).
● Receive departmental approval from respective academic department (obtained by teacher certification staff). Note: A department may prevent a student from interviewing or beginning internship for academic or professional behavioral reasons. In addition, a department may require higher GPA and/or course grade requirements;
● Satisfactory completion of the basic skills requirements: Candidates must be TSI complete in reading, math and writing to be approved for student teaching.
● Senior standing (completion of approximately 80 semester hours of college coursework);
● Meet overall GPA requirements – 2.75 GPA required;
● Complete required interdisciplinary core, specialization, and professional development coursework, with a grade of “C” or better, and required GPA as follows: EC-6 and 4-8 – GPA of 2.75 required; Secondary/EC-12 – GPA of 2.75 required.
● Mandatory participation in partnership district interviews. A successful interview resulting in a placement is required to complete student teaching.
The following must be met to obtain approval to complete residency:
● Completion of all required interdisciplinary core, specialization, and professional development coursework, with grade of “C” or better, and GPA of 2.75;
● Continue to meet overall GPA requirements – GPA of 2.75 required;
● Pass the Content TExES Exam for your certification area
● The student teaching candidate is required to have personal transportation to meet the attendance demands of both internship and residency, i.e. two days in the district during internship and five days in the district during residency.
An essential part of the application process is a successful interview with a partnership school district. The following districts are partners in the field-based program. Unless otherwise indicated, they interview all certification levels and accept interns in both the fall and spring semesters. All placements are tentative until prerequisites have been met.
NOTE: Sites are subject to elimination or combining based on number of applicants.
Partnership School Districts
Collin Higher Education Center (CHEC)
- Allen ISD
- Anna ISD
- Frisco ISD
- Lovejoy ISD
- McKinney ISD
- Prosper ISD
- Wylie ISD
Corsicana Center
Dallas Center
East Texas Center
Mesquite Metroplex Center
NOTE: Sites are subject to elimination or combining based on number of applicants.
The applications for Fall 2025 student teaching are available during the Spring 2025 semester, and will be available first class day – January 13 and may be accessed in Tk20. The application will be available until 12 a.m. midnight, Sunday, February 3. Late submissions will not be accepted. Once the application closes, it will not be reopened for late submissions.
Applications are housed in TK20.
Please read the following information carefully!
If you do not have a TK20 student account you may purchase one, one of two ways.
- Contact the University Bookstore (students qualifying for Financial Aid may opt to purchase through the Bookstore)
- Login to TK20 and set up your student account by clicking on “Click here to register your student account” – Located on the left-hand side at the bottom.
- Go to the Applications tab located in the left side menu.
- Click on the green “Create New Application” button.
- Select the “Application for Field-Based Student Teaching” from the dropdown menu and then hit the green “Next” button.
- Complete the application as directed. Any fields with an asterisk (*) must be filled in before the system will let you submit.
- Once you have started an application, you have 3 options:
- Save: You can click this at any time and return at a later time to finish the application.
- Submit: This will submit your application for final review. Edit before submitting!
- Cancel: Use this to exit the application without saving any changes.
- Note: If you do NOT see the name of the application you need to complete, you may be attempting to complete it AFTER its due date has passed
- Once you have submitted an application, it may not be recalled. Please check for correct spelling, accuracy, and district selection(s) while completing the application for student teaching.
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Click on the submitted application’s hyperlink in “My Applications.” Then click on the “Review” tab. This will show your application status.
The applications for Fall 2025 AIDE student teaching will be available in Tk20 February 1 through March 7, 11:55 p.m.
Once you have submitted an application, it may not be recalled. Please check for correct spelling, accuracy, and district selection(s) while completing the application for student teaching.
- Go to the Applications tab located in the left side menu.
- Click on the green “Create New Application” button.
- Select the “Application for Educational Aide Student Teaching” from the dropdown menu and then hit the green “Next” button.
- Complete the application as directed. Any fields with an asterisk (*) must be filled in before the system will let you submit.
- Once you have started an application, you have 3 options:
- Save: You can click this at any time and return at a later time to finish the application.
- Submit: This will submit your application for final review. Edit before submitting!
- Cancel: Use this to exit the application without saving any changes.
- Note: If you do NOT see the name of the application you need to complete, you may be attempting to complete it AFTER its due date has passed
- Once you have submitted an application, it may not be recalled. Please check for correct spelling, accuracy, and district selection(s) while completing the application for student teaching.
Reminders of scheduled interviews will not be sent by teacher certification staff. Attendance at an interview is mandatory for placement within a district. Please attend your first interview choice only. If you are not placed in your first choice district, you will be notified.
Note: Placements in any location are dependent upon numbers. East Texas A&M reserves the right to combine or eliminate locations based on low numbers
Secondary/All-Level Applicants do not currently participate in the interview process. Please reach out to Mitzi Hughes if you have questions regarding your secondary placement.
Allen ISD | November 7, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. | Story Elementary, 1550 Edelweiss Dr. Allen, TX |
Caddo Mills ISD | October, 23, 2024 | 3 p.m. | Caddo Mills Admin Bldg, 100 Fox Ln, Caddo Mills, TX |
Commerce ISD | October 30, 2024 | 10:45 a.m. | Commerce Admin Bldg, 3315 Washington, Commerce, TX |
Greenville ISD | October 22, 2024 | 4 p.m. | Bowie Elementary, 400 Moulton, Greenville, TX |
Royse City ISD | October 28, 2024 | 3:45 p.m. | Ruth Cherry Elementary |
Wylie ISD -EC-6 Applicants -4-8 Applicants | -October 21, 2024 -October 22, 2024 | -1 p.m. -9 a.m. | –Tibbals Elementary -Davis Intermediate |
NOTE: Placements in any location are dependent upon numbers. East Texas A&M reserves the right to combine or eliminate locations based on low numbers.
When will I know if I've been placed?
You will receive your tentative placement via phone or e-mail.
The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) has established a totally paperless, online process for filing for educator certification in Texas.
If you have questions or difficulty with regard to the SBEC web page, you may contact the certification office for assistance.
Please read all requirements and procedures below prior to accessing the online standard certification application.
After completion of ALL degree and certification requirements, students must apply for the teaching certificate online through their TEAL account.
Requirements that must be met prior to applying for certification:
- Continued admission and retention in the Teacher Education Program.
- Successful completion of all requirements listed on the degree or deficiency plan, including required GPA's and appropriate tests (i.e., ExCET/TExES and TOPT).
Note: Degree must be conferred by the university.
Application Procedures:
- Log-in to TEAL (Click on “Request New User Account” if you are a first-time user.)
- Click on the tab APPLICATIONS
- Fill in all sections of the application.
- On the field that says “I request to be recommended by this Entity” Undergraduate Teacher Certification Candidates Select: TEXAS A&M University-Commerce (University Based)
Note: If you select the incorrect university, East Texas A&M University will not have access to see your application. If you do not select the “university based” option you will have to submit another application and there will be a delay in university processing.
- When all information has been entered, click on APPLY.
- Pay appropriate fees, including the application fee and fingerprinting fee.
- Complete the fingerprinting process.
- Use the tab labeled APPLICATION STATUS to make sure that your payment was processed. You can also use this tab to check your application status at a future date.
* You will receive an email confirmation from SBEC after the university has completed its recommendation. Once all activities have successfully been performed, SBEC will process the issuing of the certificate. The certificate will be issued and placed on the TEAL website under the “View Certificates.” Paper certificates are no longer issued by the SBEC. Your official certificate is online and you can print a copy.
Questions regarding the processing of applications for standard certification can be directed to [email protected].
Note: Records that are not fully processed within 60 days will be deleted. If deleted, you will be required to file again through SBEC

We offer a variety of content areas for teacher certification at the undergraduate level. For more information on each certificate area offered, click on the program information in this section.
Agricultural Science and Technology (BS) Teaching Emphasis
You will gain competencies in technical and production agriculture as well as methods and techniques for teaching and planning courses. Additionally, you will learn to organize and conduct on-farm agricultural instruction and demonstration programs for schools and the community at large. Indoors or outdoors, you'll spread important, life-sustaining skills to future generations.
Biological Sciences (BS) Teaching Emphasis
This program supplies students with the skills needed for a career as a life science teacher for grades 7-12. The program will provide students with a comprehensive overview of biological sciences while teaching students how to channel their knowledge directly into a classroom environment. This program allows students to combine an interest in biology with the passion of influencing and shaping the lives of the next generation.
Chemistry (BS) Teaching Emphasis
There is a growing need for STEM educators. A degree in chemistry with a teacher certification will allow you to combine your passion for chemistry and the classroom. You’ll take courses in general and organic chemistry, physics, and biology. Our program offers specialized teaching courses for chemistry teachers including roles and responsibilities for STEM educators, technology-infused curriculum, and project-based learning in STEM. You’ll be required to complete a teaching residency senior year. After graduating, you’ll be certified to teach science at the secondary level (grades 7-12).
Computer Information Systems (BSCIS) Teaching Emphasis
Our comprehensive program gives you the tools needed to excel as a data scientist and STEM educator. You’ll study a wide range of programming, database technologies, data structures and computer networks. This program prepares you for the classroom by offering courses in technology-infused curriculum, roles and responsibilities of STEM educators, and pedagogy. After graduating, you’ll be ready to teach computer science at the secondary level (grades 7-12).
Education (BA/BS) Special Education
A graduate with special education certification should possess the following competencies: knowledge of disabling conditions; knowledge of professional roles, strategies for promoting learning and development; and techniques to promote achievement in English language arts, reading and math.
Education (BA/BS) Elementary Emphasis (Grade EC-6)
Choose from ECE-6 Generalist, ECE-6 Bilingual Generalist, or ECE-6 Special Education
Education (BA/BS) Middle School Emphasis (Grade 4-8)
Our bachelor's degree with middle school certification offers a number of specialties, allowing you to concentrate on specific interests. Learn to design engaging lessons, develop curriculum for all students and foster a welcoming learning environment.
English (BA) Teaching Emphasis
This program offers three specialized tracks all designed to immerse you in the world of English and equip you to pass on your knowledge to the next generation of writers.
History (BA/BS) Teaching Emphasis
This program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to inspire the next generation as a history teacher. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of history. Explore the human past, hone your skills in historical research and writing, and master the art of analyzing and interpreting evidence and historical perspectives.
Kinesiology and Sports Studies (BS) Teaching Emphasis
Physical Education Teacher Education – all-level certification is designed to prepare teachers for early childhood through grade twelve in physical education.
Mathematics (BS) Teaching Emphasis
A degree in mathematics along with a teacher certification will allow you to combine your interest and passion for mathematics with influencing and shaping the lives of the next generation.
Music Education (BM)
The Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree, combined with professional education requirements, provides students with the information and skills to be a music educator at all levels and prepares them to take the exams for teacher certification in Texas. Though students are prepared to teach instrumental and vocal music at all grade levels, the curriculum allows them to select one of three areas of emphasis: (1) elementary general—preparation for teaching general music in the elementary grades, (2) secondary choral—preparation for organizing and directing choral organizations at the secondary level; or (3) secondary instrumental—preparation for directing bands and orchestras at the secondary level.
Physics (BA/BS) Teaching Emphasis
There is a growing need for STEM educators. A degree in physics with a teaching emphasis takes your knowledge to the high-school classroom. You’ll take courses in electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics and modern physics. Our program offers specialized education classes in teaching and learning physics, science and math education theory, and project-based learning in STEM. Once graduated, you’ll be certified to teach physics at the secondary level (grades 7-12).
Hispanic Studies (BA) Teaching Emphasis
Our program encourages and equips Spanish educators. No matter your proficiency level, we have language courses designed for you. You’ll study the history, politics, social structures and traditions of Spain and Latin America. Our combined Spanish and teaching program prepares you for the high school classroom. You’ll take courses in methods for teaching Spanish, issues in Spanish literature and culture, and Hispanic linguistics. After graduating, you’ll be certified to teach Spanish at the secondary level (grades 7-12).
Art (BFA) Studio Art Teaching Emphasis
This degree plan is ideal for art-focused students who wish to take their skillset into the classroom to educate others.
Theatre (BA/BS) Teaching Emphasis
Our program equips you with the acting, directing and production skills needed for the high school classroom. You’ll take courses in stage management, theatre operations, costume design and lighting. Gain insight into modern theatre and theatre of varying cultures through our course offerings. Our combined theatre and education program prepares you for a career in teaching. You’ll take courses in pedagogy, learning processes and development, and classroom management. After completing a teaching residency, you’ll be certified to teach theatrical arts at the secondary level (grades 7-12).

Contact Us
- Office of Educator Certification and Academic Services
- 903.886.5182
- 903.886.5156
- Young Education North Building, 202
- P.O. Box 3011
- Commerce, TX 75429-3011
Office Hours
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.